¤ §unny Day§ ¤

*~ "...with a few §çattereD §hower§" ~*

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Alright, i'm going to confess something that i doan really like to say out loud in my blog...i doan feel important to my friends. I try real hard not to let it get me down, but i realise more n' more that they are becoming more distant from me..at first i thought um was me, cause honestly, i does hang with a whole gp, but they are only a few that i would call friends, but you see they have gotten realitively close to some dangerous ppl who i refuse to hang around cause as i said, them dangerous..so i thought it was me, myself and I at first cause i musse was keeping from roun them to keep from the dangerous ppl, but no..i realise, i doan get invite no where, i doan really get the phone calls like i used to etc etc..but one of these God blessed days, Soph is going to blow up and they aren't going to see it coming..i done for now..


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