ok, so i was passing belleville this morning while dropping my mother to work, and if anyone has to pass between the second ave and the third, just be careful, there's a dead cat, covered in that white powdered chemical (can't remember it's name) but i had a horrible experience this morning as the transport bus two cars infront mine decided he'd not see the damn cat in the gutter and drive thru all the chemical EGAD!!! It blew up into the air, and we didn't have time to close the windows :( Fortunately for me, i have a natural reflex action to hold my breathe whenever i see something foreign, but unfortunately some still got down my airways :"( if anyone doesn't hear me in a while, u know what happened..
p.s. i'm already feeling a lil sickly, drinking nuff water see if it helps...i'm going to miss you guys :(