yesterday was soooo much stress, first time in years i did not make it to East Coast, and not becuz i didn't want to go...the reason being that i was close but yet so far. The decided time to leave the house was 11.30, but that ended up to be bout 1 instead...for some goddam reason, more ppl decide them gine venture with us this year and only ended up keeping we back, that had me sooo screw cuz the certain young man who i had wid me accustomed to leaving his house at 10...if i really knew that would have happened i would have let him drive for real, but alas we finally hit the road but then meet up pun de traffic onto grantley we did like last yr and made our way to St. elizabeth which was a cool sailing but not this time boy...we spent a total of 3 hours in traffic and finally decided to go cross to belleplaine, but by that time my car load was not about paying $25 for no half hour show, which i would say was pretty smart, but the rest that was wid we went long we made our way back home....
so since east coast didn't work out, the next plan was Xtreme and that was sweett, now that was worth my $25, wore my new botty riders, i mean shorts and had a ball...tho the music was slightly different and the dj didn't play as much bashment tunes as usual i still had fun, saw de gals like Dan and Haili, foam ain't had me sneezing as much thank God, but it had me sliding bout like wha, thought i woulda had an embarassin moment at Xtreme, i kno if that had happened atoll, would not show my face for months on end, that a/c really must be working over time tho cuz as soon as i got in the dance hall i started to sweat, so u can probably guess how i looked by the time i had to leave, coulda wring the water out of my top and when i got home my mother start pointin to me, tellin me how my pants wet all de front and and round my zip, that felt so weird, my mother seeing how bad i had to be gettin on, ah well
but next yr tho, i rolling with a new group of ppl to East Coast cuz an occurrence like yesterday ain't happening to me again :@